
Jumping Into the Job Market After COVID: Work Forecasts and Tips for 2021

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Jumping Into the Job Market After COVID: Work Forecasts and Tips for 2021

The future is always uncertain, but after the past year, many workers have had to consider serious questions about their careers and how they will make the jump back into the job pool after COVID-19. It’s not always clear cut and everyone’s situation is different. Being out of work for any amount of time proves to be quite disorienting and life-altering for many people. Although we all pine for that ever-long unending vacation, when we get forced time off and are constrained to our homes, it’s not exactly the rosy vacation most people envision. So what are some of the things to keep in mind as the world opens up and unemployment numbers drop? 

Let’s start there. 

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics total nonfarm payroll employment rose 916,000 in March. The unemployment mark teetered down to 6%. This seems to be a reflection of a surge in economic activity following more vaccine rollouts and the opening up of the economy. According to the report, job growth was consistent in March. The outlook for new job placement looks promising. 

Work Trends Highlighted by the Pandemic 

The disruption to the labor force during the height of the pandemic in 2020 accelerated work trends that have changed the nature of how we work. These trends are:

  • Remote work
  • Virtual meetings
  • Rise in e-commerce 

This has made an impact on the way that people are viewing work for the future and the kinds of opportunities they seek. Experts predict that working from home is a trend that is likely to stay at least for the foreseeable future and certainly for a lot of companies. All of this has a broader impact on things like work travel, office expenditures, and more. 

Access to New Opportunities 

One of the aspects that make remote work so appealing is the fact that people now have access to opportunities outside their localities. This means that people can access different types of jobs and new companies all through the magic of the internet, Zoom, and other online platforms. 

According to McKinsey Global Institute, 17 million workers may need to change occupations by 2030. That is because the consequences of the pandemic have short-term effects but have also embedded themselves in the new market. What this means for many workers is that their occupations may experience a seismic shift that requires a full and total recalibration. For example, jobs that have been replaced by automation

What are Some Tips for Returning to the Workplace After a Large Break

If you were laid off, furloughed, or decided to leave your job during the pandemic, returning to the workforce and job applications can seem daunting. Many people are on the same boat and experiencing a kind of get-back-to-work anxiety. So here are a few tips to better navigate these rough waters:

  • Don’t lose confidence in your skills. Just because you’ve had a few months off and might feel a bit rusty, doesn’t mean you’ve lost your mojo. Remain confident about your skills and what you have to offer employers. 
  • Rework your resume. It’s a new era and employers are looking for specific skills. Seek out help to better improve and revise your resume. 
  • Don’t forget how to prepare for an interview. Whether it is an in-person interview or a Zoom interview, do your homework, be prepared, and be charming.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new. If things are looking a little different out there, why not take a chance on a new kind of work that might engage you better. Going through a place like Job Connection, can put you in contact with some exciting employers.  

So What Are the Fastest Growing Industries in the U.S.?

As workers see the workplace shift in front of them, many have wondered whether it is time to make a change or look for a new opportunity. Time off from work also gave people perspective and inspired many to look for jobs that they found to be more meaningful and engaging. According to Indeed.com, the top growing industries in the United States are:

  • Information technology 
  • Construction 
  • Drink manufacturing
  • Personal services 
  • Direct retail
  • Finishing contracting 
  • Real estate
  • Trucking 
  • Architectural engineering 
  • Healthcare
  • Financial services
  • Transportation 

Working in the technology sector can mean a variety of jobs. Other reports look slightly different. A report from Business News Daily shows different kinds of jobs also on the rise. These include: 

  • Electronic shopping and retail
  • Translation and interpretation services 
  • Physical or speech therapy offices 
  • Home health care services 
  • Continuing care retirement facilities
  • Telemarketing

Get Specialist Job Placement for the New Era of Work

Looking to find the next great opportunity to revamp your life and career. Look no further. For many years, Job Connection has been helping people find a new start. 

Ready for a new door to open? Call Job Connection today and find an opportunity that’s right for you.   

By | 2021-04-29T18:38:26+00:00 April 29th, 2021|El Paso TX, Employment Agency|0 Comments

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